**Comprehensive List of Windows Command Prompts**
*Note that, for most commands, you can write them in lowercase or uppercase, and the prompt will accept them regardless. However, some command parameters or arguments only accept specific cases and might have different functions if you use a lowercase or uppercase letter for a parameter.*
Additionally, most of the following commands will accept β`/?`β as an argument (for example: β`ipconfig /?`β) to provide a more detailed overview of what the command does and what it will accept as arguments.
cd – Change Directory:
dir – Directory Listing:
nkdir -Make Directory:
rmdir-Remove Directory:
copy -Copy Files:
move – Move Files;
del – Delete Files:
ren – Rename Files:
type-Display File Content:
ping- Ping a Host:
ipconfig – IP Configuration:
netstat- Network Statistics:
tasklist-List Running Processes:
taskkill- Terminate Processes:
systeminfo- System Information:
shutdown- System Shutdown:
echo – Display Message:
cls – Clear Screen:
help – Help Command:
exit -Exit Command Prompt: