How to fix my Windows Blue Screen?


How to fix my Windows Blue Screen

If you have CrowdStrike on your computer, and it’s suffering from a BSOD, several system admins on a Reddit thread have shared a potential fix. You’ll need to boot Windows into Safe Mode or the Windows Recovery Environment and delete a file. If you know how to get into Safe Mode quickly on your computer, skip the first nine steps, which are from Microsoft, and go straight to the last two, which are from CrowdStrike:


Kako je CrowdStrike izazvao golemi kvar diljem svijeta ?


ล to je CrowdStrike?

CrowdStrike je tehnoloลกka tvrtka za kibernetiฤku sigurnost, specijalizirana za zaลกtitu krajnjih korisnika putem clouda. Osnovan je 2011. godine i od tada je razvio niz proizvoda i usluga koji sprjeฤavaju kibernetiฤke prijetnje i otkrivaju napade. Nadalje, tvrtka radi na obavjeลกtavanju o prijetnjama, analizirajuฤ‡i i izvjeลกtavajuฤ‡i o najnovijim trendovima i prijetnjama u zajednici kibernetiฤke sigurnosti.




To disable SMBv1 using Windows Registry, search for regedit in the Start menu and open it.

After opening Windows Registry, navigate to the following location:


In the right panel right-click and select the option โ€œNewโ€ and then โ€œDWORD (32-bit) Value.โ€

Name the new value โ€œSMB1โ€ and press Enter.

Double-click on the newly-created value, enter โ€œ0โ€ in the Value Data field and click on the โ€œOkโ€ button.

Just restart your system and SMBv1 will be disabled. If you ever want to revert back, simply change the value data to โ€œ1.โ€

While disabling or removing SMBv1 might cause some compatibility issues with old computers or software, SMBv1 has significant security vulnerabilities.



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