Automated Installation Kit (AIK) for Windows 7 32bit ! NOTE To install the Windows AIK, you must first download the ISO, Write the ISO file to a DVD using a third party tool, and then install the Windows AIK from the DVD.

Windows 7 Services List that can be Disabled Safely

Windows 7 Services List that can be Disabled Safely We have posted service configuration guides forΒ Windows XPΒ andΒ Windows VistaΒ in past and now its turn of Windows 7. In this tutorial we’ll learn about the Windows services which are not essential and can be safely disabled […]


DISUβ˜†1950 Hello, πŸ‘½ visitore, don’t be a stranger Projekt nastao iz ideja znanstvene fantastike i hipoteze računalne simulacije svemira   Projekt je nastao kao misaoni eksperiment, zamiΕ‘ljajuΔ‡i visokotehnoloΕ‘ki grad buduΔ‡nosti. NepostojeΔ‡i grad, bez odreΔ‘enog imena, grad postsingularne ere, gdje virtualni svijet postaje stvarnost. Gradovi […]