Shizuku Background When developing apps that requires root, the most common method is to run some commands in the su shell. For example, there is an app that uses the pm enable/disable command to enable/disable components.


How To Install Node.js on Windows 7 32bit Today we are going to tell you the tutorial by which you can install Node.js in your 32bit Windows 7 system. You may be getting this error dialog box whenever you are trying to install Node.js […]


Ε TA JE TO cURL? cURL je naziv projekta. Naziv je igra na "Klijent za URL-ove", izvorno s URL-om napisanim velikim slovima kako bi bilo očito da se radi o URL-ovima. Činjenica da se moΕΎe čitati i kao 'pogledaj URL' takoΔ‘er je pomogla, funkcionira kao […]

Microsoft Security Essential (MSE)

Microsoft Security Essential (MSE) for Windows 7 (32bit) Microsoft Security Essentials is a free anti-virus offering from Microsoft. It provides full protection for your computer against viruses, malware, spyware, and any other type of malicious software that can render your computer useless. The installation […]

OpenSSL Commands for Certificate Checking

OpenSSL is an open-source toolkit that implements the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols. It is used to provide encryption and server authentication for Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connections between client and server applications. OpenSSL allows us to check various […]

Java Keytool Keystore Commands

Java Keytool Keystore Commands The Java Keytool is a command-line tool that allows you to manage cryptographic keys and certificates in a keystore. A keystore is a database that can store keys and certificates. The Keytool is commonly used for tasks like generating keys […]